Yet another blockbuster episode!
None other than mighty Mike Nesmith starts the show, giving us a sensational shout-out!
Then we swing right into an in-depth discussion of the many Monkees/comic book connections! Not just in print, but you'll find out which superhero-themed actors have a relationship to the guys, the show, and their music! You'll be surprised, as comics fans and experts Al and Alan give you the low-down on the many funny-book facts!
NEXT-Famed comics and SF and comics writer (and producer and movie-maker and musician) Don Glut calls in, with an exclusive interview! Don not only has written for many of the world's most popular comic books and animated TV shows, but he was also part of the Nez-sponsored late-60s band The Penny Arkade! We get all the inside tidbits from Don!
You'll then be treated to a very rare 1971 version of "Salesman," a song written by the Penny Arkade's own Mike Smith!
Also included is a hot new re-mix of the Monkees' version of this famed '67 song!
PLUS-Monkees agent Jodi Ritzen swings in, with the very latest (and greatest) breaking news!
AND-Our fabulous 3rd contest, with more Monkees swag up for grabs than ever before! Listen to hear what you can win and how you can win it!
PLUS-The usual jokes, laughs, music, mirth, sounds, and fun! More powerful than a locomotive! Or, at least the last train to Clarksville!
So what are ya waiting for? Click below to listen now, or download here (or on your phone), or directly from SoundCloud, iTunes, iHeart Radio, or Google Play!
Above: My own illustrated feature for BACK ISSUE! magazine! Just a few of the many Monkees/comics connections you'll hear discussed! |
Above: Two examples of the 60s Dell MONKEES comic book! This series actually ran longer than the band's TV show on NBC! |
Above: A look at all the MONKEES Dell covers! From the fabulous MONKEES COLLECTIBLES PRICE GUIDE book! |
Above: A peek inside of an early issue, with nice art by Jose Delbo! |
Above: It's me (right) with comics artist Jose Delbo himself, in a pic taken at s 2018 comics convention! |
Above: Jack "King" Kirby, the artistic co-creator of almost all of Marvel Comics' main superheroes, drew the above crowded panel, from Marvel's comedy mag, NOT BRAND ECHH, in 1967! Click here to see much more! |
Above: MAD magazine's own Jack Davis drew this cover (and the insane interiors, too) for this 1967 paperback book! |
Above: More proof ya need? Davy and Mike are handed two then-current issues of DC Comics superhero books, for a panicked publicity shot in '66! |
Above: A Monkees HEAD comic that never was!
This is a modern "what if" imagining by
Wayne Shellabarger, produced for a
special showing of the '68 film! |
Above: Our guest, Don Glut, famed writer, musician, producer, and movie-maker! Hear Don talk about working with his band Penny Arkade and Mike Nesmith! |
Above: Don (far left), and the late-60s band, Penny Arkade! Don talks about the group, Mike's involvement, fellow member Craig Smith (author of "Salesman"), and so much more! |
Above: Mike holds court with the Arkade, in this candid '67 shot! |
Above: A '67 teen mag gives a recount of Mike's work with the Penny Arcade! Thanks to the Monkees Live Almanac page for this!
Above: The Arkade's "Not The Freeze" CD release, from the fine folks at Sundazed! Recommended! |
Above: A wonderful new book on the Arkade's main man, Craig Smith! His is a long, odd (and sometimes sad) story. Highly recommended! |
Above: A look inside the above facinating book! |
Above: Craig Smith (far right) as part of THE HAPPENERS, a 1965 MONKEES-like show that never made it. Get a taste of it here!
Find out about Don's latest doings here! |
Above: The mass of Monkees merch you could win in our big 3rd contest! Listen in to find out how! |