In our magnificent and minty-new TEXAS PRAIRIE CHICKEN HOME COMPANION episode #2, you'll hear us (boy, will ya! This is a long one, folks!) talk about such topics as the impact of the 1986 Monkees reunion tour, inside facts on the guest-stars of "Monkees in a Ghost Town," and so much more! Glance below to take in some visual goodies, all in support of the hot topics you'll enjoy in episode #2! Click each image to enlarge!
Above: Once "Monkeemania 2.0" hit in 1986, the band received tons of
coverage on TV, in the news, and in the press, such as this '86
Above: You'll hear Al talk about how he was (somewhat sheepishly) buying
mid-70s issues of 16 MAGAZINE, just for any Monkees coverage offered
by said magazines at the time! Above is one of the first 70s bursts,
from 1976! |
Above: Of course, Lon Chaney, Jr. was spoofing his earlier role
as "Lenny" (from 1939's famed OF MICE AND MEN) when seen as one of the
two bad guys in the "Monkees in a Ghost Town" episode! He's flanked above
by MICE co-star Burgess Meredith, who also has a MONKEES connection,
appearing (as BATMAN's Penguin) in a 2nd season MONKEES romp! |
Above: Of course, the other bad guy from "Ghost Town" was
portrayed by actor Len Lesser, seen above both in that famed MONKEES
episode, and as "Uncle Leo," years later, on SEINFELD! |
Above: Of course, the real attraction in "Ghost Town" was
the incomparable actress Rose Marie (as the bombastic "Big Man"),
seen here in a still from that show, with some guy named Mike Nesmith!
So, what are ya waiting for? Click below to hear more facts and trivia about the above subjects and situations! Plus: Monkees re-mixes, the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame snub, and many more miscellaneous morsels of Monkees minutia! |
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