I was lucky enough to get my paws on a copy of the '67 shooting script for the famed 2nd-season MONKEES episode, "The Picture Frame," so let's all dive in and spot the many differences that occurred when this wacky adventure got transferred from script to screen! Click images below to enlarge!
Above: The actual episode begins as the band (minus Peter) arrives inside the film studio. The producers probably thought to just use the existing soundstages THE MONKEES was already filmed on, instead of searching out an actual location for a "dilapidated old movie studio" exterior! |
Above: In the filmed version, the guys simply approach the crook's desk, with no spotlight gag. |
Above: The visual "cut away" gag (a staple of THE MONKEES series) of the bricks falling was never used. |
Above: Mike's little speech to the bank guard was cut.. |
Above: In the actual episode, we cut right to the guys, in their pad, being confronted by police outside their door. In the script, the guys are rehearsing their Oscar-acceptance speeches, with Peter even posing as the famous industry statue! |
Above: In a line not used in the filmed version, Micky zings Mike with this comparison to Jerry Lewis. Oddly, so much of Micky's comedy act was cribbed from Lewis! |
Above: This cute "file" gag was substituted for a different take on the word! Peter brings fingernail files, and not paper files or (as expected) metal files! |
Above: To prove just how much the Monkees successfully ad-libbed and improvised, check out the simple bit with Mike wooing the female judge. Mike added so much more to this gag when filmed, even attempting to eat a portion of the flowers offered to the judge! |
Above: Again, the Monkees were only given simple script instructions for some scenes (such as this "food distribution" bit), and, as filmed, we see just how much the band brought to the comedy! |
Above: Most of these scripted "romp gags" went unused, and, as filmed, Peter simply runs to the courthouse and enters (as opposed to entering thru a low window), with the gangsters dogging his heels! |
Above: This "tag" was fully dropped in the filmed version, to make room for a video of the band performing "Randy Scouse Git!"
The wrap-up: When the group, in '67, was
being raked over the coals for not playing
their own instruments on early cuts, the
band took comfort in ownership over much
of the comedy of the TV show, pointing out
just how much improvising and creativity
they were allowed to bring to bear in that
arena. Looking at many shooting scripts, like
this one, demonstrates just how tre-
mendous their contributions were, in
concert with directors like Jim Frawley (who
helmed this very episode)! |